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Support Us

Munich Dialogues on Democracy
is entirely funded by donations from our community and partners
  • we are a registered charity in Germany (gemeinnütziger eingetragener Verein)

  • your donations are fully tax-deductible (and monitored by German fiscal authorities)

  • we have extremely low fixed costs:

    • no compensation for board members

    • our only recurring fixed costs are web hosting and participation in location costs

  • with your donations we can continue to invite speakers to join us for in- person events with our community and maintain our YouTube livestream for our members not able to be in Munich

You can also support our activities via direct bank transfer (Überweisung) to the account below.
Please include the following information:
  • your email address

  • your full mailing address

  • indicate if you want to support specific club activities (e.g. scholarships, or the Munich Dialogues on Democracy), or leave blank to enable us to cover our recurring operational expenses

Bank: VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG

Bank Payee/Kontoinhaber: Yale Club of Germany e.V.

IBAN: DE36 8306 5408 0005 2176 10


For any question regarding donations, please contact our treasurer.

What about my donation receipt?


Apologies for not conforming to the stereotypes about German bureaucracy – but issuing donation receipts is actually no longer necessary for smaller donations…!


Donations up to €300
There is absolutely no need for a donation receipt anymore!
Your payment slip /bank statement is sufficient proof in your tax return – see EStDV §50 (4) 2.


Donations above €300
The club can issue a tax-deductible donation receipt for your donation. Please provide our treasurer with the following info – either in your bank transfer, or by email:

  • your email address (required to send you your tax-deductible donation receipt as PDF file)

  • your full mailing address (the donation receipt needs to state your full name and address)

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